Saturday, December 04, 2004

Ok so here is about the closest I have got to anger recently. I said hi to a person I know, they relied hi too but looked a bit down. I was worried something was up and asked if anything was the matter. They replied that they had to shampoo their carpet and that it would take "fucking ages". This was what was the matter. And they seemed to expect me to sympathise, to expend some of my emotional energy in their support.

How can this person possibly be so selfish as to allow themself to get in a such bad mood over a household chore?

If anyone asks me "how are you?", "how was your day?", I invariably answer "good", "fine". This is not just a thing to say, it is because it is true. I am not living in constant fear of my life; nor starving or being tortured or falsely imprisoned, or living in the street. This might sound like an extreme thing to compare against but these things are hapenning to other people right now. I have the use of all five senses and all the parts of my body work pretty much as they should do. I have been blessed with freedom, health and opportunity. So yes, I had a good day. And I think there's a good chance you did too.


GMan said...

Dude... That's like saying a person shouldn't say he's "happy" because the person who's won a million dollars or the person who's just got married is obviously happier.

This might sound like an extreme thing to compare against but these things are hapenning to other people right now. So yes, I've had a bad day and I think you did too (either that or you're in denial :)

We state our emotions comparing them to our recent experiences.

So, if the only thing I've done all week is have sex with a nubile 18yr old, and I had to shampoo my carpet today, then damn right I'd be "fucking pissed off"

--The GMan

U-B said...


GMan said...


Get back to blogging dammit!!! I need something to read while at work... :)

GMan said...
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GMan said...

Oh, and you need to sort your timezones out on your blog Crazy Boyo... The times on the posts all seem wrong.

And the colour scheme (aaah!!! me eyes!!!) is atrocious (unless pink really is your colour :)

Oh, and you smell!


U-B said...

I don't think anger is essential really. We need, to quote the Simpsons "a sober Ying to our raging Yang". One of the things that is so good about you is that you're matter of fact and if someone says something stupid you'll say that. Which is what you've done here. Which is good.

However, nice thoughts also need blogging. You could even write a novel.

Unknown said...

I would like to agree with Nick, but for different reasons. If you don't like shampooing the carpet, then don't bother. It doesn't actually matter. Complaining about something you are voluntarily doing is dumb.

disclaimer: in no way is the author of this message claiming not to be dumb.

Unknown said...

Good choice of profile image. I think it should be called the mysterious adventurer.