Saturday, October 07, 2006

Today I've become obsessed with the soundtrack to the utterly fantastic film Pirates of The Carribean: Dead Man's Chest (look not upon the celebrities, look not upon the hype, but upon.. it). The soundtrack is so full on (pow, zap, happy) and so wrong (pow, zap, happy), its just wonderful. In fact it may even be as good as the Back to the Future theme.

The score to POTC:DMC is by Hans Zimmer. I have a theory that all Hans Zimmer soundtracks are essentially the same. As an example, I have put together a brief audio montage of sections from Gladiator and Pirates 2. It goes Gladiator-Pirates-Gladiator-Pirates . (Or does it? Can you spot the join?...)


Unknown said...

Hmm, we were wondering about this obsession for Hans Zimmer as we glanced at your page this morning.

I know bits of it very well, though only second handedly: Nic Ross sings/hums/slaps his desk/yells along to it in the office in a most entertaining way.

NPR said...

Pretty sure the order is Gladiator-Pirates-Gladiator-Pirates.

(I think you can tell by the slightly more "shanty" jingles of the Pirates music...)

Gonna suggest we use your mp3 clip as the theme tune for our footy team!
