Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Its sooo cool!

It lets you make music by the means of plankton. I made these with it


Unknown said...

I have just listened to 5'29. It is wonderful. You have outdone yourself Mr Moore! And with a Nintendo!

Anonymous said...

why thankyou! it was made with Sun-Animalcule.

it's very medidative, you have to try it.

Stationary said...

My wonderfulness vote goes to the final quarter or so of lovelyluminara, but then 5'29 wouldn't play on my computer so that may have to be taken as unofficial.

Anonymous said...

Cool thanks, that's my fave too.

though to be honest, the sounds you can make with each different part of the "game" tend to come out roughly the same, the range of styles is quite constrained.

but then, there are still infinite possibilities within those styles... and you can really lose yourself in it.