Due Tramonti (Einaudi). Notes: aside from the obvious slips and hesitations; nice start, tendency to rush the repeating phrase (throughout). R.h. theme - be a cello, not hard. Create space. Bar 23-27 &c. still finding notes. 19-20 (1.33) tratt. - a tempo: more tratt. please, but a tempo 'come stelle' comes in well, liking what I did there. Also 28-31 (2.11) good l.h. tone. End trails off, lost interest I think. Focus on: timing. And look up the italian.
sempre trattenendo un poco il canto : [always withholding little a song?? (babelish)]
nobile il canto : [nobleman the song?? (babelfish)]
come stelle : like stars
intensamente : intensely
allargando : Growing broader, louder and slower / Getting slower (more majestic) / a gradual slowing down, but with full tone quality
come stelle : like stars .. wow. what a beautiful direction, and a lot to live up to
that is a lot to live up to. I'd like to hear the bit where he wants you to twinkle like the stars!
Well it is there on the above, but at the time i didn't know that stars were the aim, y'see.
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