Friday, December 15, 2006


she buzzes like a

i fell

it's really not that you can't see / the forest for the trees / you've never been out in the woods alone

it’s not jazz at all, it’s rock and roll

In the words of my friend William Shakespeare, when the shit hits the fan, get a tent.


Data: Sorry, sir. I seem to be commenting on everything. Riker: Good. Don't stop, my friend.

To get a really good answer you must sacrifice your ability to predict the answer, albeit not your ability to say what is the question.

Man's life is full of mystery, and everyone tries to compare it to something simple and esier to grasp. I know a carpenter, and he used to say: "A man he is like a carpenter. Look at the carpenter; the carpenter lives, lives then dies. And so does a man."

ah ah ah ah

ahh ah ah ah ah

ahh ahh ahhh ahhhh ahh ahh ahhhhh ahhh hhhhh

rain down rain down

come on rain down on me

from a great height

from a great height

rain down rain downcome on rain down oh rain

from a great height from a great height

the more i try to erase you
the more that you appear

Make not your thoughts your prisons

Beginner's mind is a concept in Zen Buddhism, often referred to by its Japanese name shoshin (初心) or (much less commonly) nyuanshin. As the name suggests, it refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner in that subject would.

Eric Gill: "If you look after truth and goodness, beauty looks after herself."

"Down here is our time. Our time. That's all over the moment we ride up Troy's bucket."

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Butterflies and Hurricanes vs. Sentimental Guy

There's a moment in my mind
I scribbled and erased a thousand times
Like a letter never written or sent

change everything you are

We drifted far away
Far away it seems
Time has stopped
The clock keeps going

and everything you were

And I never thought so much could change

don't let yourself down
and don't let yourself go
your last chance has arrived

Monday, December 04, 2006

Two anniversaries

It is exactly five years ago today (3rd) that I started work in my present employment, a fresh faced youngster with a very short haircut.

And, now that mignight has passed, it is exactly two years today (4th) since I started this blog.

Well I never!

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Good radiohead at ease thread: Changes in Style for LP7!, discuss
Listening to Street Spirit while watching people on public transport is a headfuck though. It really makes you feel seperate from everyone.