Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Some of my faults

1. I sometimes expect other people to read my mind for me


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Just some photos -

These are two cool dudes we met at the Oktoberfest.

This is me, this was a nice day.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

So this afternoon I sat my M208 exam. Something that occured to me afterwards was how all sorts of images and memories had popped up to accompany the process of doing the paper, corresponding with where and when I studied that particular topic (in the garden, on the train, in a pub garden, in the car by a canal, in rich and lisa's kitchen). So overall like a little tour of the last 8 months compressed into 3 hours, with maths. It went pretty well, I think.

Then we went to a pub which sold strawberry beer but had sold out so we had strawberry juice instead.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Anthony and Cleopatra - what's that all about then?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Today I've become obsessed with the soundtrack to the utterly fantastic film Pirates of The Carribean: Dead Man's Chest (look not upon the celebrities, look not upon the hype, but upon.. it). The soundtrack is so full on (pow, zap, happy) and so wrong (pow, zap, happy), its just wonderful. In fact it may even be as good as the Back to the Future theme.

The score to POTC:DMC is by Hans Zimmer. I have a theory that all Hans Zimmer soundtracks are essentially the same. As an example, I have put together a brief audio montage of sections from Gladiator and Pirates 2. It goes Gladiator-Pirates-Gladiator-Pirates . (Or does it? Can you spot the join?...)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

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